The undersigned below:
PT. DELTA GLOBAL CONNECTION CARGO, which is represented by Mr. Wils Anderson, 35 years old, position in the company as President Director, residing in Muara Street, No. 3, Merpati Village, Subdistrict Angsa, North Jakarta.
Hereinafter referred to as “ENDORSER”
With this explained that in this case having their domicile in the office of attorney’s and give full authority to:
1. Thomas, S.H.
2. Jery, S.H., LL.M.
Advocates in Thom & Jery Law Office is located at tower of Delta Global Group 30th Fl. Suite 3003, Kayangan Street, Block 1, No. 1, Jakarta, which in this case act either individually or together, hereinafter referred to “ENDORSEE”.
For and on behalf of the ENDORSER representative as PLAINTIFF filed a lawsuit against:
1. PT. BUANA SAMUDRA HINDIA, represented by Mr. Johan Saja, ST, 40 years old, position in the company as Managing Director, residing at Sawit Street, No. 7, Kelapa Village, Duren Subdistrict, North Jakarta. Hereinafter referred to as DEFENDANT I.
2. PT. INDO SIPPING SAMUDRA, represented by Mr. Abu Saja, S.E., 45 years old, position in the company as Managing Director, residing at Burung Street, No. 7, Kucing Village, Subdistrict Kelinci, North Jakarta. Hereinafter referred to as DEFENDANT II.
The lawsuit was filed in the District Court of North Jakarta, with the merits of the case concerning the lawsuit of Default.
Furthermore, in running this authority, the ENDORSEE given all the rights and authority to make, sign and submit letters, facing to the competent authorities in the North Jakarta District Court and other officials related both civilian and military, made, signed and filed a lawsuit, attending court sessions, filed a lawsuit of answer Rekonpensi, filed a Replik, filed a Duplik in Rekonpensi, presenting evidence and witnesses, reject and refute the evidence and witnesses is offered by the DEFENDANT I and DEFENDANT II, filed Conclusion, accept and / or reject mediation and peace, received a copy of the judgment, filed petitions, applying for Anmaning and execution of the decision of this case, defend and preserve the rights of ENDORSER, making and receiving payments, making and receiving receipts on a payment, and do all necessary legal actions and useful for ENDORSER about legal interest with respect to the authorization referred.
This Special Power of Attorney was granted a right of substitution and Retention.
Jakarta, September 6th 2013
Endorser Endorsee
Stamp duty
Wils Anderson Thomas, S.H.
(President Director)
Jery, S.H., LL.M.